Travel Advisory for Congo

Do you need to know about this travel advisory for Congo? I didn't! Reconsider travel to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) due to crime and civil unrest. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do not travel to: Eastern DRC and the three Kasai provinces due to armed conflict. Violent crime, such as armed robbery, armed home invasion, sexual assault, and physical assault, is common. Assailants may pose as police or security agents. Local police lack the resources to respond effectively to serious crime. In the video, December 14, they were running to meet their candidate for president. #Congo #Kasai #2018Elections

No Eggs in Kananga

Today, I got a question from a friend in the states via text. "Is your house ready for santa ie. Milk & cookies for the jolly old elf." My response: "Ready for Christmas! House, no. Neighborhood, no. Kananga, no! Friends' house, no,no,... Milk, yes if powdered milk counts. Cookies, James may bake some if he finds eggs in town. We are not in America!" Don't stop by Santa, James didn't find any eggs in town so we may be low on treats. #Congo #Kananga #eggs

Exotic Congolese Foods

Congolese don't eat a lot of meats and almost no diary. However, they eat peanuts when in season. But they supplement these protein sources with grubs from decaying palm trees, grasshoppers during migrating, termites, and flying ants during their season. I have tried them all. Would you try one of the exotic foods? Also what exotic non-meat have you eaten? Leave your answers below. #Congo #Kasai #food

I'm Grateful for Anti-Malaria Measures and Bowayi


I have never had malaria in Congo which is a malaria endemic country. Thousands of children for annually and millions of adults are sick from malaria. I grateful for the preventative measures I use. One, I sleep under an insecticide treated bed net. Two, I take an anti-malaria medicine (Doxycycline) daily. And three, I used mosquito repent at night while sitting around. As I prepare for shooting this video, Bowayi, a Congolese friend stopped by and brought me some raw peanuts and fresh corn. I'm grateful!

Who is Stealing my Stuff?

Update from the Kananga. I recap the highs and LOWS of the week. The pastor at church asked where I had been the last 2-3 Sundays. Tuesday, I paid Immigration $100 for another letter to explain they had my passport. Wednesday, another thief from the house. Thursday and Friday, I was on stakeout at the house when on the thief to return. Saturday, we went to a local restaurant for river fish of the day.