The Minority Report Back - A Minute for the Congo Mission - October 13, 2019
Congo is being Congo - A Minute for the Congo Mission - October 20, 2019

Dr Serge Discusses the Importance of Nursing Programs

- I'm with Dr. Serge. Dr. Serge is the medical administrator at IMCK which is one of the premier and biggest hospitals for the Presbyterian Church in the Congo. And I want to have Dr. Serge talk about the importance of nurses. The nurses in the ITM program, where they serve and how important to the overall health and welfare of the people is those nurses in the training programs.


- Thank you, D, for this interview. First of all, I want to thank you for this opportunity to talk about the IMCK and especially to talk about nursing schools. IMCK has several department and especially the Foreman department, except the medical department, the hydro department, public school, public health department. We have the education department. In this department of education, we have two nursing schools. We have high term, we have also this term. One high school and another college. These nursing schools are very important, not only for IMCK, also for the benefit of our province, our city and our country also. We also, we have the students finish the nursing schools, they can help IMCK once they are hired at IMCK, especially in Good Shepherd Hospital. They can help population to heal them. And also, they can help also our country, our province to be developed because we have many medical centers, but sometimes, sometimes we have to face the quality of the students of the . We are working there so that we have, we have these two nursing schools and we hope that they will do good job not only for IMCK, but also for all population around the world because we have a student from IMCK to Kananga, to Kinshasa, the capital of the Congo. We have also the nurse from nursing schools of IMCK in USA, in Europe. I can say in short, around the world, Africa. This is my point of view. Thank you.


- Thank you Dr. Serge.


- Thank you so much. Thank you.


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