Congo is being Congo - A Minute for the Congo Mission - October 20, 2019
- Today, we easily tell someone to, "Google it." They know that we mean for them to search for it online. Back in the day we used to say, "Go Xerox it." That meant for someone to make a copy of a paper document. Those are examples of name brands, of proper nouns used as verbs. I'm trying to start my own new verb for a proper noun. It's "Congo". Many of my friends ask me, "How's it going in the Congo?" My favorite response is, "Congo is being Congo." They look at me with puzzled look. "Congo" means to me something that requires patience, perseverance, persistence, faith and prayer, when most of us believe that it should not be a big deal. In Luke, Chapter 18, verses one through eight, is a story of something gone Congo. It reads as follows: Then Jesus told a parable about the need for prayer always and not to lose heart. He said, "In a certain city, "there was a judge who neither feared God, "nor had respect for the people. "In that city there was a widow, "who kept coming to him, saying, ""Grant me justice against my opponent." "For a while he refused, "but later he said to himself, ""Though I have no fear of God ""and no respect for anyone, ""yet, because the widow keeps bothering me, ""I will grant her justice, ""so that she may not wear me down by continually coming." And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. "And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones "who cry to Him day and night? "Will He delay long in helping them? "I tell you, he quickly granted justice to them. "And yet, when the Son of Man comes, he will find faith on earth?" Here is my latest example of Congo being Congo. When I went to the Congo last August, I planned to drill with a newly-acquired and rebuilt drilling rig during the month of September 9th. But, here's the full plan. Pick up the rig in South Africa, drive it back to Congo. This is a short version of a very long story. After a repair transfer differential, delays at the Congo border, backed up trucks on bad roads, and now a strange noise in the engine, the end of this story is not yet here. Again, Congo means to me something that requires patience, perseverance, faith and prayer, when most of us believe it should not be a big deal. Please pray that the drilling rig arrives soon. And, in Congo, this means having faith. You have patience. You have perseverance. You have persistence and you believe in the power of prayer. Please pray for Congo Helping Hand.